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Seeing your job as an honorable job, adds more meaning and peace to your life. Also, seeing the honor in what you do now, creates an ideal foundation upon which a career change can be built.

Of course, seeing the honor in our job is not always an easy task.

Societal Values Demean our Work & Worth

Our societal values make it difficult to honor so-called menial jobs. Our sick societal values esteem big bank accounts, fancy houses, new cars, extended paid vacations, prestigious jobs, beautiful, youthful looks, and perfectly cloned behaviors. These societal values wring the worth from the vast majority of hard-working folk. 

Create your own values by looking for the honor and worth in your work now. Any honest day's work is honorable and worthy. Finding the honor and goodness in everything you do builds dignity and honor within you. 

Even if you wanted to career change but instead returned to the field you had hoped to leave, remember, there is huge honor and courage in this. Taking care of your family and responsibilities does not mean you are a failure. It means you are a responsible, caring human being.

If you cannot find any worth in your current job, that lack of worth will likely haunt your career change. Before jumping jobs, seeking fulfillment elsewhere, consider your current job as sacred work. 

Your Job as Sacred Work

Monastic writers have described their day-to-day, menial work as the path to holiness. Your job is much more than a means to pay bills. Try envisioning your job as your ministry. 

In every relationship, in every job, and in every life experience there is much more going on than meets the eye. 

We are always being called to see the bigger picture and to grow nearer to our soul. To find more meaning within the work you do now, query your soul as to the larger view.

Ask Your Soul

Try sitting quietly for awhile. Practice letting go of passing thoughts while lightly noticing your breath coming in and going out. Relax your body and mind. Ask your soul, "What is my work really about. What work am I really doing here?" 

When we see our work as sacred and honorable, we feel good about what we are doing and who we are. This goodness spins off into our family, workplace and ultimately the world. This also, builds an ideal foundation for career change, if we so desire. From honoring ourselves and our current work we can then successfully begin taking small steps towards change.

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1. Money

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If you just delegate and dictate, your leadership style is out of date. These are the leadership skills of the future.


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Cloud storage is a cloud computing model in which data is stored on remote servers accessed from the Internet, or “cloud.” It is maintained, operated and managed by a cloud storage service provider on a storage servers that are built on virtualization techniques. 

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The clutter continues to accumulate — it has all of your life. You can’t find your car keys or your cell phone; you get in the car to go somewhere and you find yourself going in the wrong direction; if you have a workspace, it’s a mess; nothing is ever “where it’s supposed to be.”

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Feeling Stumped? These proven strategies can help you find the creative jolt you need!


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Learning a new skill doesn’t depend so much on how much practice you do, but how you practice. The key is to subtly vary your training with changes that keep your brain learning. By changing up your routine, new research says, you can cut the time to acquire a new skill by half.


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There are no quick answers to how to find your dream career. Finding your dream career is a process. How lengthy this process is depends on how sincere you are with yourself. It also depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice in pursuit of your dream career.


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· Live in the future. Most of us live in the past or the present. It is easier to analyze what already succeeded and think of ways to replicate the success. It’s thinking by analogy. It is a valid way to think, except that this isn’t the way to create a big startup. Big startups are based on ideas of two kinds — obvious and hard, and non-obvious and hard.


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Our team invites you to take part in the competition!

Write an article about the Konstruktor’s functionality and win $1000!


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In 2015, we took 5th place in a prestigious contest 'New Venture Competition', conducted by Bryant University, among more than 100 companies from USA who took part in it.

New Venture Competition was created to identify the best business school graduates, also prospective new enterprises and to provide support to them. Sponsored office of Alumni Engagement in a coordination with a Entrepreneurship program in Bryant University. The competition, which is held at this outstanding business school, attracts the attention of other well known business schools and companies, such as Babson, Bentley, Harvard, Brown, Boston University, Fidelity Investments and other organizations.


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Our mission: To unite creative and active people to implement ideas from simple and in demand to incredible and fantastic, that can shape our future. What is Konstruktor?

Konstruktor- is a part of our real life, which significantly facilitates and simplifies business processes, materialization of creative ideas, constructive cooperation.

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